5 Things You Should Read on ComiXology Unlimited – 5/30/2016

Here we are with another edition of “5 Things You Should Read on Comixology Unlimited” Memorial Day Edition

Most people know me for my love of superhero comics, but as I have gotten older I have branched out and read comics of other genres; and found some really great reads.  Here are five in no particular order:

  1. Black Science Vol. 1

BlackScience_vol1-1I already did a review of this book by Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, and Dean White last year and I was so impressed with it, I ended up replacing my trades with the hardcover covering issues #1-16.  Yes, it is that good.  As I said in my review “To say that I was pleasantly surprised with this book is a gross understatement.  Saying that the story grabbed me by the balls and got my undivided attention would be a more accurate description. “


  1. The Autumnlands: Tooth & Claw Vol. 1

619u0MSi8QLHere is yet another comic I read from Kurt Busiek and Ben Dewey that I have already reviewed and I loved so much I accidentally bought two copies of the trade after reading this on ComiXology as it came out.  The book is in its second arc, and it continues to knock it out of the park.



3.  Stumptown Vol. 1

stumptown-hcWhat another example why Greg Rucka deserves to write Wonder Woman during DC Rebirth?  Here is a book with another wonderful strong female character that read like “The Rockford Files: The Next Generation”  I had the distinct honor of buying Vol. 2 from Mr. Rucka himself (as well as getting it autographed), at Planet Comicon a few years ago.  I asked him about the Rockford Files feel to the book, and he said that was exactly what he was going for.  If you were a fan of the original, then this book might be for you.

  1. East of West Vol. 1: The Promise

East-of-West-Vol.-1-CoverYet another book I picked up on a ComiXology sale, and another one that I liked so much I ended up with the hardcover of the first 12 issues.  I am a sucker for alternate history stories, and this book by Jonathan Hickman and Nick Dragotta tell the tale of a world where the Civil War ended a little differently with some supernatural help.  This volume covers the first 5 issues, and I really doubt that you can just stop at just this one.


  1. Star Trek (2011-) Vol. 1

JAN120471_2._SX640_QL80_TTD_If you are a fan of the Star Trek “reboot” universe like I am, this one is for you.  It takes place right after the 2009 film left off and spends some time rehashing some of TOS episodes with the different dynamic of the reboot crew.  I started reading this when it came out, but the 3.99 an issue price was a bit much to continue for too long.  This covers issues #1-4 and if you are interested in reading it this is just about as cheap as you are going to get it.

OK, folks that is another edition of “5 Things You Should Read” and I am out!  Happy Reading!

The comments and opinions on this blog are my own, and not that of my past, current, or future employer or any of its subsidiaries.

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