5 Things That You Should Read on ComiXology Unlimited

In case you haven’t heard already, ComiXology has launched a service called ComiXology Unlimited. Similar to the Kindle Unlimited service from Amazon (ComiXology’s parent company), ComiXology Unlimited. “allows you to read freely from thousands of titles, including comic books, graphic novels & manga.”

In the case of CU, you can read anything and everything in the ComiXology Unlimited. catalog for $5.99 a month, after a 30-day free trial.   However not everything is in ComiXology Unlimited..  At the time of launch, just about every major comic publisher has titles to read , except for DC Comics and Marvel.  Now, you might get a lot of varied titles to choose from in the new service, but in a interview with ComiXology CEO, it is revealed that you will only get some of any particular title.  The idea being that if you start on a new title that you like, you would probably be willing to pay to read more.

With that in mind, you are probably wondering if this is a good deal and worth checking out. I signed up myself to check out what was available, and it didn’t take me long to find 5 things that I recommend to read on ComiXology Unlimited.

Here they are in no particular order:

1. The Walking Dead: Vol 1: Days Gone Bye

Whether you are a fan of the show or just want to know what the fuss is about, this is the first 6 issues of the Walking Dead series that I have been reading for years now.  Though the series is known for its Zombies, it is really the characters that are the star of this “survival horror” book; which is why I come back to it year after year


2795053This was one of those books that I picked up in a digital sale on ComiXology and loved it so much I had to have a physical copy.  It is written by Gerard Way, 
co-founder of the band My Chemical Romance
and ended up winning and Eisner Award for his effort (think the Oscars for comic books).  If you like quirky, Sci-Fi, super hero stuff, this book is for you.


51JKogNwztL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Want to know why Greg Rucka was given the reigns of Wonder Woman for the DC Rebirth?  Then the first 4 issues of this book will definitely show you just how good a writer he is, let alone a writer of strong female characters.  I have read the first two trades of this book, and I loved it so much that I ended up replacing them with the hardcover of the first 12 issues when it came out.  The second hardcover just showed up at the house the other day and I can’t wait to crack it open.


4. Serenity Vol. 1: Those Left Behind

51-n9byXgiL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Are you like me and you wished that Firefly had a second season?  Then this 3-issue series might be what you are looking for.  The story takes place between the end of the series and the beginning of the film Serenity and ties up a loose end left over from the series pilot.  I am not going to say much more except it is another book that I have in my collection and is a must for any Firefly/Serenity fan.



5. The Sixth Gun #1

SIXTH_GUN_1_ALT_COVERThis is the book that got Cullen Bunn his start, who now writes at least one title just about every comic publisher (except for DC) there is right now.  This man is a writing machine.  I got hooked on this supernatural western in the first issue, when it was mentioned that the main character was part of John S. Mosby‘s confederate rangers during the Civil War, and I hae been reading it off and on ever since.  I was honored to get a signed copy of the Vol. 1 Deluxe Ed from Cullen himself and get it signed by him and the artists as well.  The second hardcover is sitting on my shelf just waiting to be read and I am looking forward to it.

So there you have it.  Do I think that ComiXology Unlimited is worth it?  If you want a chance to read new things on a budget, then there is no better deal.

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